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LovingKindness Ministries, Inc.


We exist to prepare people for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ through Prayer, Praise & Worship, to provide our community with a healthy, well balanced Church Ministry, and to preach the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.









You have come so far

From where you used to be,

God has shined His Light

And now you can see.


From a small, quint spot

To the building you now see,

In God you have overcome

And He shines through thee.


He has set you up nicely

With a Pastor from His heart,

Presenting His Word

To Perfection.


An Elect Lady

With a smile that can change a frown,

Teaching Faith

The key to direction.


Prayer, Praise and Worship

The way you get to the King,

Chasing the One

From where blessings ring.


Ministering leadership

He has placed strategically,

Keeping you in line

And on track for the ministry.


So through the years

You have come

Through the storm and the rain

But with all the tears and pain

Lovingkindness still remains!


Author: Crystal Flax






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